Our Achievements

Since 2006 the Foundation has received donations from Donating Members residing in Texas which was contributed to several communities organizations in East Africa to assist in various educational endeavors. The organizations that reveived donations are :

  • MEDA (in Malindi)
  • MEWA (in Mombasa)
  • Lamu Girls Secondary School (in Lamu)
  • Shanzu Teachers College (in Mombasa)
  • MAS (in Richardson)
  • Donge Welfare Group (in Mombasa)
  • Amu Elders (Lamu)
  • MEMSA (in Malindi)
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Projected donations in 2018:

The Foundation donated funds collected in 2006 to help pay tuitions, complete a project of delivering computers to a primary school, and ship children’s books and early childhood learning material.

Our Work

We have found schools that are either seriously under developed or in a serious state of disrepair. Resources such as textbooks, notebooks, pens, and pencils are scarce. Classrooms are overcrowded with two children sharing a chair and three or more sharing a desk. Classrooms with no windows, no black boards, and limited teaching staff are surprisingly bustling with the business of learning. Children with enthusiasm, a love for learning, an active imagination, strong curiosity, and the sheer joy only apparent in children are running around in the playground, chattering endlessly in classrooms, and solemnly engrossed in their lessons. These are regular schools, just hindered by poverty. 

Our goal in these communities are : 

  • Build and repair schools and classrooms.
  • Provide educational materials such as textbooks and notebooks.
  • Provide computers to assist learning through technology
  • Donate school uniform and shoes to needy students
  • Provide scholarships and bursaries for students seeking higher education.
  • Provide access to continuing education to teaching staff.