About Us
Msaada Educational Foundation is a grass roots organisation founded on the belief that education is no longer a privilege but a right. It is the laborious fruit of a passionate group of people dedicated to closing the gap between the rich and poor in the most desolate parts of the world. It is about reaching children who have little but the intoxicating energy and happiness of youth, and instilling in them the love for learning, feeding their curious minds, and granting them a new lease on life. Without education, these children will live endlessly in the circle of poverty and propagate the same destitution to the next generation.
It is not merely about building schools, and providing text books, but about letting imaginations bloom and blossom. It is about getting impoverished communities to the point where they can support themselves, and therefore let children be children. Children cannot learn under the burden of helping their families meet daily needs. They cannot fully flourish on hungry stomachs, and in tattered clothes. And they definitely cannot be happy while watching their parents struggle with daily life, and seeing hope slowly drain out of them.
Yes, the situation is that dire; far worse, than is depicted on your TV screen. For the camera may capture the poverty but not the desolation. It may capture skin and bones but not the feeling of hopelessness. It may capture the tears but not the fear and devastation behind it. Human crisis cannot be fully captured by an artificial lens. It can only be captured by human eyes and a human heart.
Msaada Educational Foundation is committed to making a difference in one community at a time. Our goal is to move into a community and work with the locals to build the synergy and momentum for change. Our aim is to focus on the economic as well as the educational infrastructure of the entire society. We are stern believers in the philosophy of teaching a man to fish rather than just feeding him. We wish to fully capitalise on the buzz of economic change to foster education as only education will yield lasting change. Education will create a brand new reality of prosperity & hope for generations.
Our ultimate goal is challenging and ambitious, but far from impossible. Indeed, experience has shown that very little can yield exponential results. One person can make a difference, and every dollar counts. This where we need you! Yes, you! Not the government, powerful lobby group, or wealthy organisation. We need people just like you to extend your heart and helping hand in whatever way you can. Please join hands with us and help make a difference. Contact us today!
Msaada Educational Foundation was founded in July 2018 and is registered in the state of Texas. It currently has members throughout the continental United States and Canada.
Mission Statement:
Recognizing the importance of education to the social and economic development of individuals and communities, the Msaada Educational Foundation is formed for the purpose of providing educational support to the children of East African communities living in the United States of America as well as orphans and needy children in East Africa
Our Objectives:
- To provide financial support to the needy children of the coastal communities of East Africa for their early childhood, primary, secondary and college education.
- To raise funds through contributions of the individual members of this organization and other individuals and organizations that share similar objectives.
- To solicit and collect from the general public educational material donations such as books, laboratory equipment, computers, and general school supplies
- To solicit funds from individuals and organizations for college scholarships to needy children with outstanding academic performance to study in the United States of America and other countries abroad.
To solicit funds from individuals and organizations for college scholarships to needy children with outstanding academic performance to study in the United States of America and other countries abroad.
To provide financial, material, and moral support to the needy children of the MEF member community residing in the United States of America towards achieving excellence in their education.
To work with and support any registered charitable organization in the United States of America, East Africa, and any other parts of the world towards achieving the objectives of the organization.
- To perform any other activities incidental to and for the purpose of achieving the above stated objectives